Friday, May 25, 2012


¡HOLA!  I will keep this short because we are leaving for 15 minutes to head to Salamanca for the weekend but I wanted to get one last blog up until tomorrow.   Something Spaniards love to eat, and the students haven't had yet, is chocolate con churros.  On Wednesday after class we remedied that with a stop at Valor, a famous chocolate chain.  They loved it.  Here are some photos for proof.


  1. Absolutely in love...I think I have had them everyday since, whoops :)

  2. These churros were amazing! Far exceeds our state fair food and I will definitely be returning for something else delicious!

  3. I am SO glad we finally got to try churros con chocolate! You can never go wrong with fried food :)

  4. ¡¡¡¡¡CHURRRRRRRRRRROSSSSSSSSSSS!!!! This was my favorite breakfast food here so far. I like that little hole in the wall place that isn´'t much bigger than a bathroom

  5. I must learn the ways of the churros and bring them back with me. EAT ALL THE CHURROS!!!

  6. churros might be the best things to happen since sliced bread

  7. Aren't they some sort of healthy, exotic Spanish vegetable? At least that's what I am telling myself.

  8. If I could I would eat them all day every day!! I hate to say it, but they were even better that Krispy Kream.

  9. Most delicious thing I have had since I arrived in Spain. The chocolate was like pudding, and what kind of person doesn't like something yummy dipped in extra yumminess?

    -Nicole R
