Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Salamanca Day 2

Salamanca and Avila by Addison and Jackson

Saturday started with a delicious breakfast at the hotel. We loaded our bags into the bus and began exploring more areas of Salamanca. First, we passed La Casa de las Conchas (The House of Shells). This historical building was built by Rodrigo Arias who was a knight of the Order of Santiago. The shell was the symbol of this order. Next stop was one of the largest, most well-known universities in all of Europe, La Universidad de Salamanca. (A few of us had to buy Universidad sweatshirts.) Another fascinating part of the Salamanca trip was visiting some museums. One in particular housed an extensive collection of Art Deco and Art Nouveau pieces. A Spanish style lunch downtown concluded our stay in Salamanca. We boarded the bus and rode towards Avila. This city is famous for being completely bordered by a tall stone wall known as the Muralla. We were granted access to walk a path on top of the wall which offered many scenic views.

Today's bloggers - Addison and Jackson

Starting off the day with a great breakfast from the beautiful hotel!

La Casa de Las Conchas

Universidad de Salamanca

Universidad de Salamanca


Luis, our Spanish professor, giving an explanation to the group

Stained glass at the entrance of Casa Lis, and Art Deco / Art Nouveau Museum

View of the city from La Casa Lis

A fantastic spanish style lunch

Most of the group ate paella, a very popular dish of Spain

An old Cathedral that was turned into a modern store, Zara, in Salamanca

Avila, a completely walled in city

Group photo to finish off the day on la muralla (the wall that surrounds the city)!

La Muralla

Sábado empezó con un desayuno delicioso en el hotel. Pusimos nuestras mochilas en el autobús y continuamos a explorar más sitios de Salamanca. Primero, vimos La Casa de las Conchas. Este edificio histórico fue construido por Rodrigo Arias quien era un caballero de la Orden de Santiago. La concha era el símbolo de este Orden. La próxima parada fue en una de las universidades más bien conocidas por toda Europa, La Universidad de Salamanca. Otra parte fascinante del viaje a Salamanca era visitando unos museos. Uno en particular tenia una colección de obras de Arte Deco y Arte Nouveau. Almorzamos en un restaurante español en el centro de la ciudad y eso concluyó nuestro viaje a Salamanca. Luego nosotros tomamos el autobús hacia Ávila. Esta ciudad es famosa por estar completamente rodeada por un muro de piedra, La Muralla. Nos concedieron el acceso a caminar por un sendero en la parte superior de la pared que ofreció muchas vistas panorámicas.


  1. Salamanca was so fun! It seemed so much more lively than Segovia and I liked the souvenir shops better. I wish we had stayed longer.

  2. Salamanca was amazing! I really liked the art deco museum even though the guards didn't like us very much. Why can't we take pictures??

  3. I wake up and remind myself how thankful I am that this shirt is in my life.

    1. Yeah I would dare say it's Legen

      Wait for it.


    2. I do say its caliente as mess.

  4. Firstly, the bromance picture is perfect. Secondly, I really enjoyed the architecture and decor of the buildings in Salamanca.

  5. Salamanca was one of my favorite weekends on this trip, my favorite part of the trip was staying in a hotel and eating burger king! haha :D The museum was interesting too!

  6. Salamanca was so fun...did not want to leave! Definitely one of my favorite excursions and I really got to see some beautiful architecture.

  7. I loved the museum! The weird dolls were interesting and you have a great photo of te beautiful ceiling. Definitely a great excursion
