Wednesday, May 30, 2012

El Alcázar de Segovia

Today we went to the Segovian Alcazar for an excursion. An alcazar is an Arabic fortress constructed in Spain or Portugal during the twelfth century, and which has an architecture based on defense. This alcazar in Segovia has been the home of many important monarchs. It has been used as a state prison, and then it was later converted into a Royal Academy of Artillery until a fire destroyed it. Now it serves as a museum and important cultural center in the city of Segovia and still contains General Military Archives.
            It was built in the shape of a bow of a ship, originally to put enemies at a disadvantage, but today it contributes to pretty photos. Throughout history it has been occupied by a series of royalty, so the fortress has a lot of rooms with different decorations that include paintings, statues, murals and stained glass of Rome, Austria, Germany, and more. One of the rooms is called ‘the pineapple room’ because it has decorations that look like golden pineapples hanging down. The courtyard also has some walls from the original construction by the Romans.
            After we enjoyed the decor inside the Alcázar, we climbed many stairs in the tall tower to see a magnificent view. In all, the excursion was very interesting and it taught us a lot about the history of Segovia and the variety of cultures that have touched it. 

Guest bloggers Veronica and Katie

El Alcázar

Interior de un patio

Sala de Piñas

Stained glass windows are found throughout the castle

Monument to the Kings / Los Reyes

One of several gardens

Military museum inside the castle

View of the Cathedral from one of the towers

Some of our group!

Hoy fuimos al alcázar de Segovia para una excursión. Un alcázar es una fortaleza árabe construido en España o Portugal en el siglo XII y mucha de la arquitectura de uno enfoque en la defensa. Este alcázar de Segovia ha sido el hogar de muchos monarcas importantes. Ha sido usado como una prisión estatal, y después se convirtió en el Real Colegio de Artillería hasta un fuego lo destruyó. Ahora sirve como un museo y centro cultural importante de la ciudad  y todavía contiene un Archivo General Militar.
Fue construido en la forma de una proa de un barco, originalmente para poner los enemigos en desventaja, pero que hoy contribuye a las fotos buenas. Por la historia ha sido ocupado por una serie de realeza, así que la fortaleza tiene muchísimas salas con decoraciones diferentes que incluyen los retratos, las estatuas, las murales, y las vidrieras de Roma, Austria, Alemania, y más. Una de las salas se llama “sala de las piñas” porque el techo tiene muchas decoraciones que parecen como piñas doradas y colgadas. Además, el patio tiene algunas paredes originales de la construcción de los romanos.
Después de disfrutar la decoración adentro del alcázar, nosotros subimos muchísimas escaleras a la torre más alta para tener una vista magnífica. En total, la excursión fue muy interesante y nos enseñó mucho sobre la historia de Segovia y la variedad de culturas que la ha tocado.


  1. It was so cool. A really great place for photos.

  2. Such great photos...I love the garden!!

  3. The hike to the top of the Alcazar was totally worth it, such a great view of the city!

  4. loved everything except the stairs! but the view up top was well worth the climb

  5. I agree with Cara, the stairs were definitely worth it. That view from the top was incredible. And we took some great pics together.

  6. even though climbing the stairs were a little strenuous, the views from the top of the alcazar were amazing!

  7. Awesome excursion! Favorite part was looking into the moat. Absolutely ZERO intruders.

  8. This is probably one of my favorite castles we have visited! I didn't think I was going to make it all the way up the stairs but I did and it was all worth it, the view was amazing!

  9. I thought those stairs were going to be the death of me, but once i managed to breath again and see the site, it was absolutely spectacular. I agree with Linett and still think this is my favorite castle to this day!

    -Nicole R

  10. I love the photos of the ceilings and murals! I feel like photos dont do justice to how beautiful this castle was! Definitely a great place for pictures

  11. I loved going to the Alcazar. The stairs up were a little bit scary and tiring, but the view from the top was worth it! I love the photo of the garden from above!
