Friday, May 18, 2012

¡Feliz cumpleaños!  That is what we wished Cara yesterday since it was her 21st birthday.  The day started out as usual with class in the morning and then afterward we went to the local market that takes place every Thursday.

Some of the girls bought dresses and most of us bought pastries.

After lunch we all met to go to the museum of Esteban Vicente.  

It's contemporary art so not everyone was into it but we did find a good place for a group photo.

Someone always seems to be missing but soon we will have an actual photo of the entire group!

Some shopping, free internet use at the café and walking around ensued before meeting up at the aqueduct and heading to dinner.

I really don't know if there is a U.S. equivalent but it was good for us.

Some people from the group surprised Cara and chipped in to buy her an engraved bracelet that reads, "Segovia, España 2012." 

¡Feliz cumpleaños Cara!

Ordering the right amount of pizza for 23 people is not easy and with nearly 1 1/2 pizzas left over, I WOULD say I failed miserably but the receptionists at my hotel would disagree with you.  

Barbecue Pizza

Carbonara Pizza

Cheese Pizza

Happy students.  Oh.  And cheese Pizza.

Wait for it..... Cheeseburger Pizza

Pizza of the day

Saturday brings our first true excursion day with what is called, "La ruta de los castillos" or the castle route.  

¡Buenas noches!


  1. Best way to celebrate Cara's birthday American style-con pizza! Awesome day and great photos :)


  2. This pizza had some of the best cheese I have had in a while. I wish I could bring those pizzas back to the U.S. with me.


  3. The barbecue pizza was by far the best of the different pizzas we had!!


  4. I definitely thought that the supreme pizza was king. Just sayin'...

  5. I agree with Dalton, barbecue hit the spot!! Quiero más!!!

  6. I´m glad we got to celebrate Cara´s birthday. It must have been rough having a birthday while at the same time having culture shock and being jet-lagged and away from normal family and friends.

  7. Thank you all SO much for making my birthday so memorable and wonderful! I'm glad I got to celebrate my 21st in SPAIN!

  8. super fun getting to celebrate Cara's birthday! and we also experienced some interesting types of pizza...
