Sunday, May 27, 2012

Helmantika or rather ¡Salamanca y las catedrales!

Hola a todos!  We had our first overnight last Friday in Salamanca so Jamie and Molly are going to tell you all about it.  Want to know more?  Go here:  You can also find out why it says Helmantika in the title of the blog.  Disfruta or rather, enjoy!


On Friday, May 25th, we had class in the morning and ate lunch in our host homes. In the afternoon, we went on another excursion, this time to Salamanca. Once we arrived in Salamanca, we dropped off our luggage at the hotel (La Corona Sol). Then we visited Salamanca´s two cathedrals and their museum. We saw both the old and new cathedral, and they are gigantic and impressive! The construction of the old cathedral began in the 12th century. The Romanesque style can be seen in the floor, the columns, the capitals, and the exterior arches. However, the Gothic style can be seen in the interior arches and the vaults. Also, the altarpiece of the high altar is a good example of Renaissance work. It has 53 panels that depict the life of Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary. Also, there are tombs of many people that were important to the cathedral between the 13th and 15th centuries. Later, in 1513 (16th century), the construction of the new cathedral began. Although the Gothic style was disappearing in the 16th century, el Cabildo (the people in charge of the construction) decided to maintain the Gothic style for the new cathedral. However, the influence of the Plateresque and Baroque styles can be seen in the ornamental details. In 1755, there was an earthquake that destroyed the Gothic ceiling, and it was replaced by a Baroque ceiling. 

After we visited the cathedrals and the museum, we went shopping, saw the “plaza mayor,” and ate dinner. Later we went out to watch an important soccer game in Spain: La Copa del Rey and Barcelona won 3-0.  It was a long day but it was fun!

Molly y Jamie

Plaza Mayor

Inside the cathedral
Painted Ceilings

Inside the original cathedral

Magnificent Altarpiece

Cathedral from outside

Our happy group!  Well, most of it!

¡Salamanca y las catedrales!

El viernes, el 25 de mayo, tuvimos clase en la mañana y comimos en nuestras casas. En la tarde, fuimos a Salamanca para una excursión. Cuando llegamos a Salamanca, primero dejamos nuestro equipaje en el hotel (La Corona Sol). Entonces, fuimos a las dos catedrales de Salamanca y el museo de las catedrales. Vimos ambas catedrales, la vieja y la nueva. ¡Son grandes e impresionantes! La construcción de la catedral vieja empezó en el siglo 12. Se puede ver el estilo románico en el suelo, las columnas, los capitales, y los arcos exteriores. No obstante, se puede ver el estilo gótico en los arcos interiores y las bóvedas. También, el retablo en el altar mayor de la catedral vieja es un buen ejemplo del trabajo del renacimiento. Tiene 53 paneles que muestran la vida de Jesucristo y la Virgen María. Además, hay sepulcros de muchas personas que eran importantes a la catedral vieja entre siglo 13 y siglo 15. Luego, en 1513 (siglo 16), la construcción de la catedral nueva empezó. Aunque el estilo gótico estaba desapareciendo en el siglo 16, el Cabildo decidió mantener el estilo gótico para la catedral nueva. Sin embargo, se puede ver la influencia del estilo plateresco y el estilo barroco en los detalles ornamentales. En 1755, hubo un terremoto que destruyó el cielo gótico, y fue reemplazado por un cielo barroco. 

Después de visitar las catedrales y el museo en las catedrales, fuimos de compras, vimos la plaza mayor de Salamanca, y cenamos. Más tarde salimos para ver un partido importante en España - La Copa del Rey y Barcelona ganó 3-0.  ¡Fue un día largo pero divertido!

Molly y Jamie


  1. great pictures!! The Cathedral was beautiful and Salamanca was the perfect place for an over night excursion!

  2. I am so glad we were able to see Salamanca, even if it was just for a night.

  3. Loved the Plaza Mayor in Salamanca...lots of shopping and restaurants!

  4. This was the biggest cathedral I've ever seen, and may even be more impressive then Notre Dame. Viva España!

  5. Fact: the cathedral was built by an extinct race of dwarves.

  6. I was blown away by this cathedral!! I have never seen a building so beautiful inside and out! The pictures came out fantastic.
