Sunday, May 27, 2012

Cooking Class / Práctica de cocina

Sorry chicos if some of you were planning on doing this blog but I got to it first! ;)
We can still add your photos later.    This is me being the guest blogger: 

Photo credit goes to Jessica Johnson

Friday was our cooking class so we hopped the bus to "Nueva Segovia" and went here: 

Spain does a good job of offering professional development for people outside of the university and this brand new building houses a cooking school, a business school and a "beauty school" which also includes massage therapy.  In addition they offer degrees in things like music, dramatic arts, conservation and restoration of cultural artifacts, design and visual arts with an emphasis in glass works.  However we were just there for the cooking.

The director, Bernardo, made us arroz con sepia en su propia tinta and surprisingly the group enjoyed it.  What is in it?  Look at the photos and you will see. 
A video can be found here too:
Peppers, garlic, green beans...

Tomato, chopped squid...


Stir it up Emily!
Squid before cutting it up

Langostas a.k.a prawns

Bernardo checking consistency

It looks vile but tastes good!

Voila!  The final product.


  1. I was super skeptical to try this meal at first because I normally don't like seafood, but it was really good!

  2. McConnell that first pic is so awesome! And now I can say I have eaten squid ink, ewwww

  3. Not going to lie, looks kind of bad, tastes kind of fantastic.

  4. I really enjoyed the cooking class and eating the food (of course). Definitely tasted better than it looked :)

  5. How do I always end up in the worst pictures? I'm cheesin so hard, probably because it smelled so good

  6. due to my love for food, I was super excited about watching the chef! even though the dish didn't look great at first, boy was it amazing and yummy to my tummy!!

  7. I am probably one of the pickiest eaters on this trip, but I have to admit it was pretty good once I got over the mental block of the squid ink.

  8. The whole eyeball and antena thing on the shrimp was gross, but surprisingly enough it was delicious!

  9. I really loved this day because I was able to learn a new recipe to cook for my family back in Texas, so they can get a taste of Spain too :)
