Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The First Few Days

¡Bienvenidos!  The first few words I said to the students as I snuck up on them in the airport were, "What are you guys doing here?"  I was elated to hear the excitement in their voices and their replies; surprising after what can be a grueling 7+ hour flight considering the majority of the group did not sleep a wink.  I can ramble on for a while but you know the saying, "A picture tells a thousand words" so now I will stop writing and let the photos speak.  Mostly.  Enjoy!

Most likely it looked like this when the flights left the U.S. since we fly at sunset.
Segovia is a peculiar place and when you look up, you will probably see this.

This guy is also known to make passes overhead
Many of the tops of buildings in the Casco Viejo are inhabited by storks.
As I said earlier, Segovia is a bit peculiar but definitely a lot of fun.
We arrive during a puppet festival known as Titirimundi and here are some random shots.

If you are interested in seeing more of Titirimundi you can view a video montage I made here:

Segovia is the home of a 2,000 year old aqueduct which is even more impressive at night

I think the students still hate me a little bit for the 3 hour hike we did yesterday but it builds character, right?  Anyway, the views were spectacular.

Preston, Jessica and Katie were all excited to get in some exercise at the park.

Unsure if this will work but I got in on the action as well:

                                                    Welcome to Disneyland!

                We finally got a group shot but unfortunately Brittany was not with us.

So here she is!

More blog to come soon!

¡Hasta luego!

1 comment:

  1. Why do all your pictures look so pretty? The colors are so saturated - I want that camera. Oh, maybe it is because you are all in Spain!! !Diviértanse mucho!
