Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The Palace and Gardens of La Granja! / ¡El Palacio Real y Los Jardines de La Granja!

The Palace and Gardens of La Granja!  By Becah and Mariah

¡Hola!  Today we saw our first royal palace (of La Granja) and the gardens that surround it.  The hike through the gardens took us all about an hour to complete, and we didn’t even get to see all of it!  Therefore, it was a massive amount of land and contained over 12 fountains and numerous sculptures, all representing events from Greek mythology.

After walking around the garden and taking a ton of pictures, we arrived back at the palace where we were able to take an inside tour.  Unfortunately, they do not allow photos to be taken inside the palace, but we got to take pictures of the exterior.  The tour consisted of walking through the rooms of the palace and one by one learning the history of the artifacts inside.  First, we learned that the giant tapestry rugs are worth millions and millions of dollars (in Euros).  Also, they are all hand stitched and have gold, silver, and rubies intertwined.

Next, we got to walk through the living rooms of the king and queen and viewed restored paintings.  Each one of the artifacts in the palace tells a story.

Guest bloggers Mariah and Becah bookending Juliet and Preston

Palace at La Granja


Plan of the gardens

Mariah and Serena at the cave

Fountains at La Granja

Dalton and Maysa up in a tree

Palace seen from the garden side

¡El Palacio Real y Los Jardines de La Granja!

¡Hola! Hoy vimos nuestro primer palacio real (de La Granja) y los jardines que lo rodean.  Completamos la caminata a través de los jardines en una hora y no pudimos ver todo!  Por lo tanto, los jardines contienen mucha propiedad con más de doce fuentes y numerosas esculturas que representan acontecimientos de mitología griega. 

Después de caminar alrededor de los jardines y sacando muchas fotos, llegamos al palacio y visitamos el interior.  Desgraciadamente, no pudimos sacar fotos adentro pero sacamos fotos del exterior.  El recorrido incluyó caminando a través de las salas del palacio y, uno por uno, aprendimos la historia de los artefactos en cada sala.  Primero, aprendimos que las tapices grandes valen mucho dinero (en euros).  También, se cosían por mano y se entrelazaban con oro, plata, y rubíes.

Luego, pudimos caminar a través de las salas de los reyes y las reinas y vimos cuadros retocados.  Cada uno de los artefactos en el palacio cuenta una historia.


  1. I love this place! The gardens were amazing even though we hiked super fast

  2. That was quite a hike but it was well worth it. The gardens and trails were beautiful; I would love to run there.

  3. I really enjoyed this excursion, it's probably one of my favorite places we've been. The gardens and caves and everything was just so pretty.

  4. i thoroughly enjoyed this trip to la granja. I am a big fan of gnarly views and these gardens gave me just what I wanted with a beautiful lake, mountains, and numerous water fountains

  5. Probably the most aesthetically pleasing excursion. Also I'm fairly certain I was not supposed to climb that tree but...it was asking for it with all those limbs

  6. Yeah it was, it was even worth the short security guard blowing his whistle at us to get off the tree!

  7. Jumping down from that tree with dalton was a little scary! But the palace was gorgeous and the gardens were so peaceful! Plus we got our first complete group photo :)

  8. The gardens here were stunning ! We got tons of awesome photos. The inside of the palace was amazing and overwhelming. I loved the designs on every wall and corner!
