Friday, May 18, 2012

To give the blog followers a different perspective there will be a pair of students who will do an entry a few times a week.  

*UPDATE: I have included their version in Spanish at the end as well for those of you who would like to see it. 

For today's entry we have "guest bloggers" Dalton Langdon and Emily Fussell that have written something and included photos.  Enjoy!

Dalton Langdon
Emily Fussell

For our first mini excursion, we met at the Aqueduct and started walking through the city. We thought it was just going to be a short walk however, it turned out to be a ridiculously long hike around all of Segovia! We walked on a trail on the outskirts of the city, where we got our first glimpse of la murralla (wall surrounding the city for defense) and the Alcazar. After taking several pictures we moved on and arrived at a park area with lots of random gym equipment where Mr. McConnell jumped on the equipment and started goofing off. Afterwards we crossed the street from the park and went through the gate exiting the city. From there the real hike began, we walked and walked up this hill with extremely steep steps that seemed like they would never end! In the end, it was worth it because the view was spectacular!

View of Mount Peñalara 

Gate to the city

The Alcazar

Path that goes around the city

McConnell getting in his work out

Caminando en la ciudad 

Para nuestra excursión en Segovia, el grupo fue al acueducto a las cinco para caminar por la ciudad. Pensábamos que nosotros íbamos a caminar por la ciudad, sin embargo caminamos alrededor de la ciudad. Caminamos en un camino afuera de la cuidad y vimos la muralla y el Alcázar. Después sacamos muchas fotos y fuimos a un parque con un gimnasio. El Señor McConnell fue muy cómico y usó el equipo del  gimnasio para ser gracioso. Después, pasamos por la puerta de la cuidad y caminamos encima de una colina con muchas escaleras. La vista fue espectacular y sacamos más fotos. 


  1. This was probably one of the prettiest hike I´ve been on. Hard to find an Alcazar in our mountains!Definitely worth the first round of blisters.

  2. I enjoyed the hike around Segovia and seeing the Alcazar from many different vantage points!
