Saturday, June 9, 2012

Toledo and Madrid

For our last excursion in Spain our class went to Toledo and Madrid. We took a two hour bus ride to get to Toledo. When we arrived, we got to walk around the city, see some beautiful sites, and take some amazing pictures of the town. Toledo was really interesting because the culture was visible just by waking the streets of the town. There were flags on the buildings, dancers in the streets and souvenir stores everywhere. The weather in Toledo was very hot and sunny. The town has sheets tied to the roofs of buildings to give the people walking in the streets some shade! When we were walking through the city we saw a picture of Don Quijote and he looked just like our teacher Luis! Later that night we went out too see culture at its best: Flamingo dancing in the plaza. People gathered to listen to live music and dance. On Saturday we visited the Cathedral in Toledo, which was beautiful! We had a typical Spanish lunch, and then went to Madrid. In Madrid we went to see the Reina Sofia, which had famous paintings, for example, there were many Salvador Dali paintings. The group had lots of fun and it was a great excursion to end with!

Today's bloggers: Maysa and Stephanie


Banners for the Festival of Corpus

Relics from the region - 11th century

"Toldos" (canopies) are hung to provide shade on the streets.

Inside the cathedral

Contemporary art in the Reina Sofía

Para nuestra última excursión en España fuimos a Toledo y Madrid. Tomamos un paseo de dos horas en autobús para llegar a Toledo. Cuando llegamos, caminamos por la ciudad, miramos paisajes bellos, y tomamos fotos impresionantes de la ciudad. Toledo fue muy interesante porque la cultura es visible cuando caminas por las calles de la ciudad. Había banderas en los edificios, bailarines en las calles y tiendas de recuerdos en todas las calles. El tiempo en Toledo, hacía mucho calor y soleado. Hay toldos atados por los techos de los edificios para crear sombra para las personas que caminan en las calles! Cuando caminábamos por la ciudad vimos una estatua de Don Quijote y parecía a nuestro maestro Luis!  Por la noche, fuimos a las calles y vimos el baile flamenco en la plaza. La gente se reunió para escuchar música y baile. El sábado visitamos la Catedral de Toledo, y era impresionante! Tuvimos una comida típica española, y luego fuimos a Madrid. En Madrid fuimos al Museo Reina Sofía, donde había pinturas famosas, por ejemplo, había muchas obras de Salvador Dalí y Picaso. Nos divertimos mucho, y fue una excursión buena.

1 comment:

  1. definitely thought toledo was a neat town and i especially enjoyed the flamenco concert friday night!
