Thursday, June 7, 2012


A day we have all been waiting for finally came: we went kayaking!  After about an hour drive we arrived at the spot and the weather was AMAZING!  If you are from Seattle.  It was windy and drizzling but people did well and there was very little complaining.  I could give you a bunch of history about the Egyptian vultures, the history of the monastery, blah, blah blah.  Look at some cool photos of the group and just enjoy!

Bocadillo.... CHECK!

"I am Spanish.  I don't need to smile."

We also drove to this town for lunch.  

¡Hasta luego!


  1. My family got a kick out of seeing pictures of Luis kayaking. And even though the weather wasn't great, it was still really fun.

  2. Hey the bocadillo was the most important part, without it I would have starved!!

  3. Love these pictures, and loved today! Had so much fun being active in a beautiful place!

  4. I love the picture of Ebony and I...wish it had been a little warmer but still had a GREAT time!

  5. I was extremely out of shape for this trip, but I would have done it all over again, and the sights made the pain well worth it. I would have traded the weather though for a little sun maybe even heat. awesome trip.

    -Nicole R

  6. Love the photos didn't even know we got so many! It's such a beautiful place! Hopefully my arms don't get tooo sore haha :)

  7. I just have to say that I LOVED KAYAKING, the scenery was astonishing. I have kayaked at the beach before but this so peaceful and different. I also got a good workout in! :)

  8. I'm glad that rain didn't last long and I love the picture of Luis! kayaking was definitely one of the best days!

  9. It was so much work and my partner had directional problems in the beginning
    but was a great day overall, and the area was beautiful!
